Chocolates - An Absolute Perfection.

A lone bar of dark brown sweet lay coolly on my desk, staring back at me. I shoved it in the lower-most drawer and tried to ignore it. I could feel the cocoa delight calling me seductively and the wall of my self-control started falling apart. My mind started justifying eating it. “It would be rude to keep it uneaten.” “It is expensive.” “What harm can an innocent piece of chocolate do to you? ” “Oh, you are so tired. You deserve it.” With my high thinking muted, I reached for it in a flash and popped in a single piece.

There’s something about chocolates that is absolutely beautiful.  The way it glistens as it melts. The way it smells sweeter than honey. The way it crumbles when you bite it. Placed in mouth, the silky smooth texture brings pure bliss. It is the plausible taste of true love that feeds the soul.  A delicious luxury that is as rich as it is dark. A guilt-free indulgence and an irresistible temptation makes all your worries dissipate. 

With my eyes closed, I savored the perfect mix of sweet and a tinge of bitter. Ah! The heavenly taste.. Once the first piece was finished, my heart ached for more. With all pretences gone, I devoured that bar of absolute perfection.


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