The Rain and A Cup of Coffee

I love the sound of the rain, as it starts its journey from dark, far-traveled and tired clouds who have come to rest and finally decide to head down to cleanse the earth.  I love the smell of freshly wet land as it soothes itself in refreshing showers. And I so dearly love to relish on a cup of piping hot coffee.

It was a lazy Sunday morning. The world was still under warm cozy wraps of their blankets. Rays of orange-red sun had entered my window and fell on my face.  The joyful chirping of birds sitting on the mango tree just outside my window made me shed off the warm blanket and sit up. I looked outside the window and tried to search those tiny, singing creatures. It was not so long that I noticed the sky crowded by dark clouds and small raindrops had already began their journey towards the earth. My face lit up and I made my way to the gallery. The cool, fresh breeze brushed through my hair. The cleansed trees were moving along with the wind, picking up pace as the intensity of rain increased. Suddenly it started pouring cats and dogs. The wind gushed through branches of trees. Small streams of water had started flowing down the gentle slope on the ground.

I decided to fetch some coffee and enjoy the atmosphere, relishing the taste of my all-time favorite beverage. No longer had this thought crossed my mind, I was taken by surprise as my mom handed me a cup of hot coffee. But moreover, her warm gesture delighted me. I couldn't help but wonder at her ability to sense my thoughts..!!!

As I sipped the drink, it occurred to me how exhilarating morning coffee was and how difficult it was for an afternoon or evening cup of tea to reproduce this cheerful influence. The aroma made me drift in nostalgia. It brought back those dreamy days me and my friends enjoyed long ago. All the memories are now stacked under a pile of to-do list's, reports and pay-slips. All those friends lost in their own busy schedules. Memories of hot foamy coffee we had every evening at a roadside stall after college, the creamy coffee at CCD, the 'not-so-good' coffee at college canteen and so many other memories were brought back. Just with a single cup of hot coffee...

I gulped the last sip of 'now-warm' coffee and let the effect sink in. The rain had stopped by now and the sun shone out of the veil of dark clouds. The earth was cleansed and so were the trees. Birds were singing merrily again. And so, I raised, recollecting my mind back to the present and refreshed with an amazing start of my day. Yes, A lot can happen over a cup of coffee...


  1. I second that.. you made me relive my own memories of my hometown where rains were a blessing and we all know coffee is for survivors.. :D

  2. Good startup, I could experience every bit of it. Keep reading.

  3. Good startup, I could experience every bit of it. Keep reading.

  4. Accha coffee peene kaa description itna lamba wala...? :p Kidding...nice blog...soothing,alleviating,tranquilizing... :) :) my roomie is


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