That's her..

Shanu. She is one of a kind. Never have I ever seen a girl as enthusiastic as her. Her short and curly auburn hair woven round in ringlets slightly brushed her fair face. Her dark brown eyes sparkled  as she talked about her amazing day spent with her friends. Flaunting her tom-boyish style, she roams around the hostel in her black T- shirt, faded blue jeans, a cool pair of sneakers and a stylish leather jacket that suits her sporty self. The room comes alive just by her mere presence. She talks cheerfully with everyone, giving a playful hi-five to her peers and waves casually to the elder girls in the house. She starts grooving to the sound of music, something she just can't resist. Her arms waving in the air, her head swaying to the beat, she turns the hostel porch into a dance floor.

She not the conventional, shy girl. She is as modest as a star among the earthly lights. Yet she is strong enough to handle all the failures that have come her way with a pretty smile on her face. Never does she rest nor is she ever gloomy. Tensions and worries stay far away from her. Rather she knows well to keep them at bay. She is always surrounded by a bunch a people, almost equally spirited as her. But she still stands out with an air of confidence around her. She strides past the college corridor, with her backpack hanging onto her right shoulder and a bunch of papers in her left hand. Often, she is seen running up and down the staircase, being a responsible class representative, giving instructions to her colleagues, participating in some activity or practicing a dance for an upcoming college event. 

She is young and crazy. A dedicated soul who pours her heart and soul in every little thing she does. Her dreams fly high like an eagle yet she knows to be tender and bends like grass during storm. Her light makes people and opportunities follow her. Flaming enthusiasm backed by persistence. Sensible mind wrapped under fearless attitude. Cheerful and responsible. Intelligent and ambitious. Patient and passionate. Words fall short when you try to describe her. Yes, that's her. 


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