
  He told us it was his last day at the college. He was leaving for Mumbai the very evening. His announcement took most of us by surprise. It was not the goodbye that hurt but the flashbacks that followed. 

It was hardly a few months ago that he had joined the college. His friendly nature, witty sense of humor, overwhelming enthusiasm and his absolute dedication towards work enthralled many. He was more of a friend to us than a professor. His lectures were a laugh riot. His eyes would go wide as he explained a difficult concept in the most simplest possible way. He spoke more through his hands, making elaborate gestures as he lectured. He made learning fun. He redefined the way we portrayed a typical post-graduation professor. 

  Today was the day. He had decided to leave with a stock of past and plans for future. He was moving to greener pastures but his departure would leave our hearts barren and dry. As Edward Young puts it, "Fate ordains that dearest friends must part.", he prepares to take an extended leave of absence from his colleagues and students.  Behind the masked smile he wore on his face, there was sadness that reflected in his eyes. He took a quick look at the farewell card we gave him, only to keep it away as he saw handwritten messages for him. His memories weighed heavy too.   

  Finally,  he waved goodbye to all of us, setting off to a new world. He went into the direction of his dreams, inspiring us to live the life we imagined. It felt lucky to have known someone who was hard to say goodbye to. 

  We too. set off to our abodes. The sky was filled with mellow rays of the departing sun, falling tenderly yet sadly on the heart.


  1. Amazing article dear 👍 Keep it up

  2. You taught, not just what ought to be taught… but also what you thought we needed to learn. Thanks for everything, Dear Sir........

  3. Great article Adity.. same feelings here to Anoop Sr.

  4. Great article Adity.. same feelings here to Anoop Sr.

  5. Wonderful, thanks for sharing, very well written, scripted. I could visualize the personality. Keep writing.

  6. Wonderful, thanks for sharing, very well written, scripted. I could visualize the personality. Keep writing.

  7. he made us to think about everything he had taught us during lectures...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. He was our class teacher !! He is undoubtedly the most amazing , helpful and chilled out teacher of MITSOM !! :) Sir if you are reading this your A division misses you a lot !!

  10. Prof Anoop is One of brilliant individuals i met so far.Unfathomable depths yet interesting to explore !I am sure he has a bright future and opens the full span of his wings in years to come towards a majestic flight.
    Very well written Aditi right from heart !!

  11. Prof Anoop is One of brilliant individuals i met so far.Unfathomable depths yet interesting to explore !I am sure he has a bright future and opens the full span of his wings in years to come towards a majestic flight.
    Very well written Aditi right from heart !!


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