Morning glory..

Only an hour ago, the blackness was absolute. Like a silent dark curtain of charcoal. A few stars shone brightly, like diamonds tossed in the sky. Brightest of them was the Pole star, gleaming in the northern skies like an eternal guiding path. The trees looked grey, still as an oil painting. It was the hour of stillness, the hour of silence when nothing seems to breath. The sun had barely risen and the city was still subdued in the quiet of dawn. 

Slowly, a mighty red path broke along the horizon. The sky softened to blue. The first orange hues of the sun spread across the sky. With a lining of shades of pink, the clouds blushed to the colour of ripe mango. Night dew was still sitting lightly on petals of flowers and blades of green grass, shining radiantly as the sun casts its golden rays upon it. The breeze blew softly, carrying last traces of a cold night. Thin layer of silvery mist looked fumy in the weak morning light. Sweet scents of flowers filled the air. Birds chattered in the trees. 

The sun now shone like pure gold in the sky, high and bright. A new day had come, new possibilities, a fresh page yet to be written. 


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